Competency Exchange is looking for FIVE THREE healthcare staffing agencies, like yours, to partner with us in a Proof of Value test of our cutting-edge competency software which helps YOU, the agency, STAFF FASTER!  We are excited to be working with our new partners and have a few more spots available.

Competency Exchange is a competency solution for healthcare staffing agencies that is driven by the Competency Index©. The Competency Index© uses an advanced algorithm, created by a Nurse, to streamline the test taking process. This eliminates the frustration of taking hours’ worth of testing. By isolating the necessary components of each role, the algorithm creates a unique test which incorporates the necessary mix of Core Healthcare Competencies and Clinician Specific Competencies to create one, seamless testing experience.

For the agency, this means assigning only one algorithm driven test (instead of 8-15 individualized tests).

For clinicians, this means easily and efficiently validation of a proven mix of competencies all in one, with less testing which previously proved to be both time consuming and limiting part of the onboarding process!

Resulting in quicker placements!

Email us today to get your POV partnership started.

Offer is limited to first 5 staffing agencies that accept terms and conditions of service. 100 free assessments will be provided to show proof of value and share statistics and data with Competency Exchange.